Pine Street Shelter Select 85kW CHP System from CoEnergy America


The Pine Street shelter in Boston’s South End has significant hot water needs for the showers, dishwashing and laundry. After thoroughly assessing the loads of the building, Co-Energy America installed a turnkey Amerigen 85 kW CHP system. The Pine Street Inn uses 100% of the electricity and 95% of the thermal output produced by the CHP unit.

The shelter is expecting a three year payback on the project thanks in part to a MassSave utility rebate of $63,750. This lowered the upfront project costs by nearly 25%.

Co-Energy America works closely with customers and host utilities to determine maximum available incentives and rebates to enhance project economics.


Pine Street Inn was founded in 1969 with the goal of helping homeless men and woman find jobs, transitional housing, and emergency shelter. Since then, Pine Street Inn has served roughly 1,600 homeless men and women everyday and around 9,000 patrons annually. The non-profit organization is mindful of operating costs and energy efficiency, and Co-Energy America was able to assist on both fronts.

Units Installed

– 85 kW / Installed 2016.


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