University & Healthcare estates and Innovation 2017
The Universities & Healthcare Estates and Innovation for 2017 (UHEI 2017) is now a two-day event (14 & 15th November 2017) due to the positive feedback from delegates, sponsors and exhibitors in 2016. Working in partnership with education and healthcare sectors UHEI 2017 brings Estate Directors from the NHS and Universities to share best practice and meet the leading suppliers in both sectors. Clarke Energy will be attending, find Clarke Energy at Stand 51, demonstrating the benefits of CHP through simultaneous production of electricity with the recovery and utilisation heat. Cogeneration is a highly efficient form of energy conversion and it can achieve primary energy savings of approximately 40%.
“Universities & Healthcare Estates and Innovation 2016 was a resounding success. Over 50 separate trusts and over 30 Universities visited the 2016 event and over 250 visitors attended on the day itself. “
Clarke Energy and University & Healthcare
Clarke Energy is a prominent world name in installing, engineering and maintaining high efficiency and innovative Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or cogeneration units in a sector that continues to grow worldwide. Clarke Energy can support Estate Directors to realise their goals of securing their energy supply independently of the grid, generating energy efficiently and cost effectively while reducing carbon emissions and securing their energy supply independently of the grid.
Clarke Energy are established in supplying expertise and resources to deliver unbeatable end-to-end product support through a reliable accountable localised service. Clarke Energy provides comprehensive coverage for the country and has engineers based at various locations across the United Kingdom. Our UK operations have the largest store of GE approved spare parts located outside of Austria.
Efficiency and Sustainability
If your business is looking to delve into plant operation and design, energy strategy and integrated balanced systems, Clarke Energy can provide solutions to today’s challenges of how to:
- Generate energy efficiently
- Reduce carbon dioxide emissions
- Complement and balance output of grid supply or renewables
- Manage a flexible generation distribution network
- Save on energy bills compared to grid supply or on-site boilers
- Ensure secure supply of energy independently of the grid
- Reduce demand and ease the burden on grid capacity
For further information regarding Clarke Energy news, events or case studies please contact us here.