Romanian Energy Community Celebrates Launch of Clarke Energy’s New Romanian Business

• Clarke Energy celebrates launch of new Romanian business

• Drinks Reception at the British Embassy Bucharest hosted by British Ambassador Andrew Noble LVO

• Event attended by Romanian Secretary of State Niculae Havrilet, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment along with leading members of the Romanian energy sector business community

Bucharest, Romania — February 25, 2020 — Following the announcement that Clarke Energy has acquired Romanian distributed energy company TEB, Clarke Energy officially launched its new Romanian operations at the British Ambassador’s residence in Bucharest.

This move adds 39 new employees to Clarke Energy’s global team and an additional 200MW of installed capacity. Clarke Energy bolsters the offering to the Romanian market with a focus on supporting energy efficiency and renewable power with combined heat and power plants, gas peaking stations and biogas engines.

Clarke Energy’s ethos is to develop high quality and innovative power generation installations supported by reliable aftersales support.

Clarke Energy Drinks Reception at the British Embassy Bucharest

Kyle Quinn, Commercial Director of Clarke Energy commented
“Clarke Energy will be investing in the Romanian market through the expansion of our engineering and aftersales support capabilities. Wider experience can be drawn upon in novel applications for distributed generation.”

Gabriel Matei, Managing Director of Clarke Energy’s new Romanian business added
“We thank the Secretary of State and members of the Romanian business community for joining us this evening. As Clarke Energy you will see the same local team, with the benefit of increased levels of application engineering, service support and parts inventory in Romania.”

Clarke Energy Drinks Reception at the British Embassy Bucharest

Comunitatea română de energie sărbătorește lansarea companiei Clarke Energy pe piata romaneasca ;

• Clarke Energy sărbătorește lansarea in Romania;

• Receptie organizata de Ambasada Marii Britanii in Bucuresti la resedinta Ambasadorului – Excelenta sa, domnul Andrew Noble;

• Eveniment la care a participat Secretarul de stat in Ministerului Economiei, Energiei si Mediului de Afaceri domnul Niculae Havrilet, impreuna cu membrii de seama ai comunitatii de afaceri din sectorul energetic;

București, România, 25 februarie 2020 – In urma anuntului facut de Clarke Energy prin care anunta ca a cumparat compania romaneasca TEB Energy Business, distribuitor pentru motoarele INNIO Jenbacher in Romania si in Grecia, prin compania subsidiara Genelco, Clarke Energy s-a lansat oficial in Romania, la reședința ambasadorului britanic in București.

Această achizitie adaugă 39 de noi angajați în echipa globală a companiei Clarke Energy și o capacitate instalată suplimentară de 200 MW. Clarke Energy vine pe piața românească punand accent pe susținerea eficienței energetice si a energiei regenerabile prin promovarea centralelor in cogenarare de inalta eficienta, a centralelor electrice care furnizeaza servicii tehnologice de sistem si de echilibrare, dar si a statiilor de biogaz.

Scopul Clarke Energy este de a dezvolta instalații de producere a energiei, inovatoare si de inalta calitate, urmate de asigurarea unor servicii suport si mentenanta post vanzare de încredere.

Kyle Quinn, Director Comercial al Grupului Clarke Energy, a spus
″Clarke Energy va investi pe piața românească prin extinderea capacităților noastre de proiectare și de asistență tehnica post-vânzări. Experienta larga pe care o are Clarke Energy va sta la baza noilor proiecte de producere a energiei ″.

Gabriel Matei, Director General al companiei Clarke Energy Romania, a adăugat
″Multumim Secretarului de Stat si Membrilor comunitatii romanesti de afaceri pentru ca sunt alaturi de noi in aceasta seara. In calitate de Clarke Energy, suntem aceeasi echipa, dar beneficiind de resurse suplimentare in ceea ce priveste proiectarea, serviciile suport post-vanzare si stocurile de piese disponibile aici in Romania.″

British Ambassador Andrew Noble LVO speaking at the launch event for Romania

Gabriel Matei, Managing Director of Clarke Energy’s new Romanian business


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