Biomethane / RNG

Biomethane Production
Biomethane is a sustainable fuel that is produced by biogas upgraders which remove the CO2 from biogas. Biomethane is produced from biogas that is derived from organic matter such as human waste / sewage, food waste, distillery waste or agricultural materials. As the carbon in this material has been recently taken from the atmosphere and is part of the short-term carbon cycle biogas and biomethane are deemed to be renewable fuels.

Figure 1: A generalised process schematic for different biogas upgrading technologies producing biomethane.
Biogas is dried and cleaned to remove impurities and upgraded to pure biomethane.
Biomethane can also be used in peaking stations. As biomethane is a renewable fuel it can be used to balance intermittent renewable electricity to provide a fully renewable power supply.
To learn more about biogas upgrading products supplied by Clarke Energy visit our biogas upgrading product page here.
Biogas Upgrading and RNG Case Studies
MD Biogaz Inaugurates Innovative CO2 Liquefaction Unit in France
MD Biogaz, a pioneer in the production of green gas in the Grand Est region of France, has inaugurated its biogenic CO2 liquefaction unit
Clarke Energy USA and BioTown Biogas Work on First Project to Diversify Energy Portfolios into Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)
The project is a key strategic renewable energy win for Clarke Energy’s USA business after expanding our product offering with RNG solutions
SAS Agrigaz Agricultural Biogas Upgrading Plant, France
TPI biogas upgrading plant used to inject biomethane into national gas distribution grid.