Eco Protection Engineers selected Clarke Energy as the EPC contractor to offer a turnkey solution for the sewage gas to energy power project.
India Case Studies
Biogas Power Plant Ensures Sustainable Energy Production at Sahyadri Farms
The combined heat and power system helps improve overall energy efficiency helping further reduce energy costs and emissions at Sahyadri Farms
CHP Helps Deliver Energy Self-sufficiency for Sewage Treatment Plant in India
Faced with rising energy costs associated with permit requirements, the treatment plant decided to harness the power of its sewage gas.
55GWh of Renewable Power Generated at Kodungaiyur Sewage Treatment Plant
The single Jenbacher JGS 320 gas engine has completed 100,000 hours generating 55GWh since commissioning in 2006.
Biogas-fuelled Trigeneration Plant Installed at Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Embio
Biogas-fuelled Trigeneration Plant Installed at Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Waukesha Engine Upgrade Boosts Efficiency, Availability and Helps Stabilise Grid in North-East India
The enhanced engine output, efficiency and availability has helped to upgrade the power station to meet the increasing demand.
Kanodia Technoplast Trigeneration Plant, Haryana
Case Study: Kanodia Technoplast Trigeneration Plant, Haryana
Sabar Dairy CHP
Case Study on Sabar Dairy CHP power plant. Himmatnagar, India
Brima Sagar Distillery Biogas Plant
Case study of Brima Sagar’s distillery effluent biogas cogeneration plant
Maize Products Biogas CHP Gujarat
Maize Products’ biogas CHP plant
Koyambedu Sewage Treatment Power Plant
Koyambedu Sewage Treatment Plant CHP
Jain Irrigation System’s biogas trigeneration
Case study for Jain Irrigation’s biogas trigeneration Unit, India
Letter of appreciation from Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience provides letter of appreciation for Clarke Energy’s installation and service support.
Deepak Nitrite Recognises Clarke Energy Performance
Clarke Energy receives recognition from Deepak Nitrite for engine and service performance.
Certificate of Appreciation from Sanofi, India
Clarke Energy receives certificate of appreciation from Sanofi, India
Filatex, Trigeneration Plant, Dadra, India
Filatex Trigeneration Plant Delivers CCHP for Synthetic Fibre Manufacturing Plant in Dadra, India
Essar Oil Coal Bed Methane Power Plant West Bengal
Essar Oil coal bed methane plant located in West Bengal
Crossriver Mall Combined Cooling and Power Facility, East Delhi
Cross River Mall, Delhi combined cooling and power facility delivers consistent supplies of power using gas engines.
Any Further Questions?
If you have any technical questions that need answering, would like to arrange to speak to a sales advisor or book a feasibility study.