Clarke Energy USA commissions a CHP system in Clinton, Maine, boosting energy efficiency and reducing emissions.
USA Case Studies
Middletown Recreation Center Microgrid, USA
Microgrid system solution designed, engineered and installed by Clarke Energy for recreation center in Connecticut, USA
Coldwater Board of Public Utilities Cogeneration Plant for Greenhouse Facility, Michigan USA
The project is co-located with a 100-acre greenhouse facility that has the capability to use the engine heat and CO2 for greenhouse fertilisation.
Unilever Hammond Indiana 4.38MW CHP Plant, US
4.38MW natural gas INNIO Jenbacher JMS 624 engine supplied by Clarke Energy to Unilever Hammond Indiana
East Lansing Water Resource Recovery Facility, USA
Clarke Energy supply INNIO Jenbacher duel fuel engine to wastewater facility in Michigan
Grand Rapids Water Resource Recovery Facility, Michigan US
2.82MWe cogeneration plant at waste water resource recovery facility.
St. Mary’s d’Youville Pavilion Install 150kW CHP System
Covenant Health Systems has installed multiple Co-Energy CHP systems at their assisted living facilities.
150kW CoEnergy America CHP Unit Installed at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
Having already experienced the benefits of two Co-Energy CHP units, in 2015 MCPHS continued searching for energy efficiency improvements in their academic and dormitory buildings.
Sebewaing Light and Water CHP Plant, USA
Sebewaing Light and Water CHP Plant, Michigan, USA
Clarke Energy to Supply Turnkey CHP Plant for Municipal Electricity Utility in Michigan
Clarke Energy to Supply Turnkey CHP Plant in Michigan, USA
Two CoEnergy America CHP Units Powering Cape Codder Resort & Spa
CoEnergy America has worked with the Cape Codder on multiple occasions to develop clean energy solutions.
St. Cloud Wastewater Install Biogas and Natural Gas Engine, USA
St. Cloud Wastewater Treatment Facility, USA: Case Study
Pine Street Shelter Select 85kW CHP System from CoEnergy America
The Pine Street Inn uses 100% of the electricity and 95% of the thermal output produced by the CHP unit.
Dedham Health & Athletic Complex Select 150kW CoEnergy America CHP Unit
An Amerigen 8150 CHP was placed in the parking lot adjacent to the facility’s primary boiler room.
250kW CHP Unit Powering Southeastern Regional Vocational-Technical High School
In 2009 SEVT in collaboration with a national ESCO and Co-Energy America, developed a plan for energy savings.
Bethany Health Care Center Select CHP System for Critical Care Facility
Co- Energy America designed and installed a 150 kW combined heat and power system at the facility.
Any Further Questions?
If you have any technical questions that need answering, would like to arrange to speak to a sales advisor or book a feasibility study.