Jul 22, 2015 | Agricultural, Algeria News, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Botswana News, Cameroon, Cameroon News, Clarke Energy, Cogeneration, Commercial CHP, DRC News, Eastern Africa News, Food Waste, Gas Engines, Generation, Greenhouse CHP, Industrial, Landfill Gas, Morocco, Morocco News, Mozambique News, Natural Gas News, News, Nigeria, Nigeria News, Northern African News, Renewable Energy, Rwanda News, Sewage Gas, South Africa News, Southern Africa News, Tanzania News, Tunisia, Tunisia News, Western Africa News
When thinking about renewable energy it’s common to think of wind power and solar. However there is massive potential in Africa for the utilisation of renewable gas for power generation. Some naturally occurring microbes are able to break down organic material in the...
Jul 22, 2015 | Agricultural, Algeria News, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Botswana News, Cameroon, Cameroon News, CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, Coal Gas, Cogeneration, Commercial CHP, Diesel Engines, Eastern Africa News, Electricity generation, Food Waste, Gas Engines, Generation, Industrial, Morocco, Morocco News, Mozambique News, Natural Gas, Natural Gas News, News, Nigeria News, Northern African News, Quadgeneration, Renewable Energy, South Africa News, Southern Africa News, Tanzania News, Tri-generation (CHPC) / quad -generation, Tunisia, Tunisia News, Western Africa News
With the focus on ensuring stable supplies of power in many African countries, the benefits maximising fuel efficiency are often overlooked. Fuel costs have increased over recent decades, and the need to maximise scare resources means cogeneration or combined heat and...
Oct 31, 2013 | Case Study, CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, France, France News, Hospitals, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Natural Gas, Natural Gas Case Studies, News, Tunisia, Tunisia News, UK News
A high-level Tunisian delegation visited St Thomas’ hospital combined heat and power (CHP) plant this week. St Thomas’ hospital is adjacent to the Houses of Parliament in London was the location of a high level Tunisian delegation visit Delegation including Minister...
Oct 31, 2012 | Clarke Energy, Maintenance, News, Tunisia, Tunisia News
Clarke Energy, a company specialised in cogeneration and authorised distributor for GE Energy’s Jenbacher gas engines, recently opened a trading affiliate in Tunisia, managed by Ali Hjaiej. Thanks to this new entity Clarke Energy can from now on support supply and...
Jun 7, 2012 | News, Tunisia, Tunisia News
Clarke Energy has recently delivered a business seminar with UKTI in Tunisia. A video of the seminar delivered by Ali Hjaiej can be found here. The press release from the UKTI is shown below: ‘Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Tunisia, Chris O’Connor, hosted a UKTI...
Nov 7, 2011 | Associated Petroleum Gas, Flare Gas/APG Case Studies, Northern Africa Case Studies, Tunisia, Tunisia Case Studies
Waha, located 300km south of Djerba is the site of the first associated petroleum gas (APG) project in Tunisia. Here gas which would ordinarily be flared is converted into electricity for the surrounding facilities. The project was jointly developed by the US-based...