Diesel is a fossil fuel that has significantly higher emissions – both carbon dioxide and nitrous oxides (NOx) than gas. Diesel gensets operate as both base load or standby applications. In the developed world diesel is most commonly used as a back-up fuel. In countries where there is an unreliable grid or there are remote areas where the electricity grid does not reach, diesel gensets operate for greater numbers of hours in the year.
High efficiency of gas engines
If used in a combined heat and power configuration up to ~90% of the energy in the gas can be used locally. As well as heat, surplus energy can be converted into cooling with absorption chilling.
Renewable of natural gas
Gas typically is either the cleanest burning fossil fuel or can be a renewable fuel when it is based upon biogas, biomethane or hydrogen.
Gas as a back-up fuel
Using gas as a back-up fuel can deliver reductions in NOx by