During last summer’s devastating bushfires, the Cobargo Fire Service put up their hands for help. Among other locals businesses to answer the call was Clarke Energy’s channel partner in New South Wales (NSW), PowerGen Australia.
The Fire Service urgently needed equipment so PowerGen donated generously with a generator, BBQ, drop saw, tools and a cash donation to buy supplies. Their staff loaded up a service ute, hitched up a trailer and drove out to Cobargo for the much-needed delivery. Proof of the power of the local community coming together and doing whatever they can to help.
PowerGen Australia has been supporting remote infrastructure needs in country NSW by supplying, installing and servicing generators for an Australian telecommunications company for the past three years.
They do this by mounting Kohler KK16 and KD22 generators (with 3 phase and single-phase outlets in recessed panels) onto trailers innovatively equipped with Landcruiser-based axles and wheels. It enables PowerGen to deliver power to remote locations, especially those that are off road.
PowerGen chose the Kohler generators because of their robust build, ease of servicing, rugged reliability, the exceptional fuel efficiency of the engines and the availability of spare parts.