En Anglais: Boston Scientific, Clonmel, Northern Ireland CHP Project

With more than 25,000 employees worldwide, Boston Scientific is a true giant of the medical industry. They are an industry leader in less invasive surgical technologies. As a group, they manufacture more than 13,000 products at 17 manufacturing facilities around the world. At their production facility in Clonmel they produce pacemakers for the global market.

As with most large scale manufacturing facilities there is a high demand for both electrical and heat energy at Boston Scientific in Clonmel. The need for CHP was recognised at the plant and Clarke Energy provided a GE Jenbacher JMS 416 GS NL natural gas engine. As there was an existing boiler room at the facility, the engine was retro fitted to minimise installation costs and footprint. All of the recovered engine heat as well as the recovered heat from the exhaust gas provides a usable thermal output of 1.1MWt in the form of hot water.

A Clarke Energy contractual maintenance agreement was put in place during the sale which has ensured that engine availability is optimised & maximised.

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