En Anglais: Kenya, Water Treatment Site

Cliffhead, Arrowsmith Stabilisation PlantQGC has contracted GE Water and Laing O’Rourke to develop a water treatment plant to convert saline associated water to fresh water for use by local residents. Clarke Energy was contracted to supply, install, and commission power modules to provide a reliable source of power for this plant using flare gas from QGC’s Kenya gas field.

  • 23.1 MWe installed capacity
  • 7 x 3.3 MWe JGS 620 GS-S.L

The power station consists of 7 GE Jenbacher 3.3MWe gas engines with electrical efficiencies higher than 43%. The engines will be installed in purpose built individual enclosures, each with their own engine control compartment located at one end of the enclosure. The enclosures were designed in line with GE Jenbacher’s installation guidelines and Clarke Energy’s focus on service to allow Clarke Energy’s Service Engineers easy access to the engines for all levels of maintenance. New enclosure features under development will improve the engine performance at high ambient temperatures.

This project will set the benchmark for Queensland’s burgeoning LNG industry, and Clarke Energy’s proven engineering, construction, and service expertise bring an unparalleled degree of certainty to this project.

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Unité de Cogénération de Sartex, Tunisie

Unité de Cogénération de Sartex, Tunisie

Découvrez comment la solution de cogénération de Clarke Energy aide Sartex, un leader de la fabrication de jeans, à réduire les coûts énergétiques et l’impact environnemental

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