En Anglais: West African Power Industry Convention, Abuja, Nigeria

West Africa Power Industry Convention LogoClarke Energy will be attending the West African Power Industry Convention 2011, in Nigeria’s capital Abuja.

‘Addressing all utilities performances. Attend WAPIC to meet utilities from across West Africa, power sector regulatory bodies, members of ministry and government organisations, private sector energy companies & IPPs, read more’

Clarke Energy is a key player in the installation of Nigeria’s decentralised power base. The company engineers, installs and maintains gas powered generation facilities utilising products from GE Energy’s Gas Engine Division which includes the Jenbacher and Waukesha product ranges.

Cogeneration, Trigeneration and Renewable gases

Gas engines configurations include cogeneration (or combined heat and power) and trigeneration (combined heat, power and cooling).  There are also a wide range of renewable gases that can be used as fuel in gas engines including biogas, landfill gas, sewage gas and syngas.

If you would like to meet with Clarke Energy at this event please contact our Nigerian office in Lagos.

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