Nigeria Oil and Gas Tech 2012 Technical Presentation on utilisation of flare gas

Our Nigerian team will be giving a technical seminar at this year’s Nigeria Oil and Gas Technology event in Lagos. The presentation will be on the benefits on the utilisation of reciprocating gas engines for associated petroleum gas applications. The efficient utilisation of gas found associated with deposits of petroleum is a major global challenge. Our seminar will provide an introduction to the technical challenges related to the utilisation of flare gas. We will also provide an outline of some projects that have been delivered in Tunisia, Australia and New Zealand.

NOG Tech 2012 is scheduled to take place between the 26th and 28th June 2012.

Clarke Energy’s presentation “The utilisation of associated petroleum gas (flare gas) for the production of reliable onsite power” will be the opening presentation of the conference (10.30am on the 26th June). More details of the event can be found on the NOG Tech 2012 website.

To find out more please contact Clarke Energy in Nigeria or via our website contact form.

13b Obanta Road
Tel: +234 (0)181 567 23

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