En Anglais: NHS Estates and Facilities Management Conference

Clarke Energy’s UK, Ireland and Nigeria Managing Director, Haydn Rees, will be delivering a headline presentation at the NHS Estates and Facilities Management Conference in June.  Haydn’s presentation entitled ‘Save money on energy, spend more on treatment’ highlights the benefits of using combined heat and power (CHP) in hospitals in order to allocate more resources to patient treatment.

The conference will highlight techniques to improve efficiency in the NHS and reduce carbon emissions across the NHS many facilities.

The conference will be taking place at One Great George Street in London on Thursday 20th of June.

Clarke Energy has now installed over 118MW of natural gas-fuelled hospital CHP plants across 52 hospitals in the UK, Australia and France. Flagship schemes have been developed by Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Christie’s Hospital, . Alice Spings Hospital and Adelaide Children’s Hospital in Australia

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