En Anglais: African Mining Indaba – 2015

African Mining Indaba 2015

African Mining Indaba 2015

Clarke Energy is participating in the African Mining Indaba 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa. The event runs from the 9-12th of February 2015 and is the leading exhibition focusing on the mining sector in Africa.

Clarke Energy will be joining the UK Pavilion as a Silver Sponsor and will be presenting energy efficient and cost effective technologies for the power generation in mines. These include gas to power technology utilising GE’s Jenbacher gas engine portfolio. Using gas as a fuel source can deliver significant cost savings to other fuels that many other African industries are making use of. Where there is no access to pipeline natural gas then utilising compressed or liquified natural gas may be an option. In West Africa some mine sites are already utilising CNG for power generation.

Coal mines in particular may have ready access to gas in the form of coal mine gas or coal bed methane (CBM). Clarke Energy has extensive international experience in gas to power from CBM.

Clarke Energy will also be presenting GE’s new high efficiency diesel engine concept that is based upon the Jenbacher 616 engine. This engine can deliver significant fuel and operational cost savings where diesel is the fuel of choice in the locality.

Come speak to Clarke Energy at the UK Pavilion to discuss your mining sector power generation requirements.

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