En Anglais: South African Underground Coal Gasification Association – SAUCGA

SAUGCClarke Energy will be giving a presentation in South African Underground Coal Gasification Association – SAUCGA on 24th August 2015, with Alan Fletcher, main board director, talking about ‘Power Generation from Coal-Derived Syngas using Reciprocating Engines.’

The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity for participants to gain information on the latest trends and developments in under ground coal gasification, both in Southern Africa and globally, and thereby to ensure that this endeavour is under taken in the most appropriate, sustainable and environmentally sound manner.

Clarke Energy has tremendous amounts of experience in this field with power plants in South Africa and globally with Clarke Energy present in 17 different countries. One example of a coal gas power plant in Queensland, Australia is Moranbah North WCMG Power Station in Central which is 18MW and in South Africa there is Tronox Namakwa Sands Furnace Gas CHP plant, the largest fully integrated producer of titanium ore and titanium dioxide in the world.

If you would like to come and listen to the presentation or want more information please contact us

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