En Anglais: Owen Springs Official Ground-breaking

Photograph taken at the commencement of construction [l-r] Aurecon Regional Director – Paul Gleeson, Territory Generation Chairperson - David De Silva, Clarke Energy Main Board Director - Greg Columbus, Northern Territory Chief Minister - Adam Giles, Territory Generation Chief Executive Officer - Tim Duignan, Aurecon  Associate, Energy Services – Paul Godden

Photograph taken at the commencement of construction [l-r] , Aurecon Associate, Energy Services – Paul Godden, Territory Generation Chairperson – David De Silva, Clarke Energy Main Board Director – Greg Columbus, Northern Territory Chief Minister – Adam Giles, Territory Generation Chief Executive Officer –  Tim Duignan,  Aurecon Regional Director

Following February’s announcements that Clarke Energy had secured two major projects with Territory Generation in the Northern Territory of Australia, this week saw the official Owen Springs ground breaking ceremony. The Owen Springs power station will include 10 of GE’s Jenbacher J624 gas engines with the ability to generate in excess of 41MW of electricity. The Owen Springs and Tennant Creek projects are part of a A$100m electricity cost reduction drive, spearheaded by the Northern Territory Government of Australia.

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