En Anglais: Regent Energy & Power 108MW IPP, Bangladesh

Bangladesh Case Study 1Regent Energy & Power Limited is one of the leading power generating companies in the private sector in Bangladesh and acts as an independent power producer (IPP). With two projects with a capacity of 108 MW and 22 MW, the company assists the people of Bangladesh by providing power to the national grid. Regent Energy & Power Limited produces power from natural gas at high electrical efficiency and helps to provide reliable power for the national electricity network

In 2008, they purchased 8 of GE’s Jenbacher JGS 620 GS-N.L gas engines, each having capacity of 2.90MW. The power plant has a total install capacity of 22 MWe located at Sitakunda, Chittagong.

Bangladesh Case Study 2In 2014, they have installed 34 units of GE’s Jenbacher JMS 620 GS-N.L gas engines, each having capacity of 3.35MWe for their 108MW power plant at Ghorashal, Norshingdi.

The high efficiency of these power plants help to reduce operating costs (compared to diesel-fuelled power generation), conservation of natural resources and help to generate a flexible, reliable power supply to national grid. The company derives revenue from supplying electricity to Bangladesh’s national power network.

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