En Anglais: Green Sky Thinking 2017

Clarke Energy and Vital Energi opened the doors of Kings Cross Energy Centre for CIBSE’s Power Up – district heating tours. The visits formed part of London’s Green Sky Thinking 2017, organised by Open City.

Kings Cross is one of the nation’s largest district heating schemes. It is still developing, but when complete, over 45,000 people will live, work and study in this regenerated area of London; an area spanning 66 acres, with 50 new buildings, 2,500 new homes, 20 new streets and 10 new parks and public spaces.

The development’s energy centre is home to 2 of GE’s 612 Jenbacher reciprocating gas engines. The combined heat and power plant sustainably heats and powers the whole scheme. Green Sky Thinking 2017 provided the perfect platform for knowledge sharing between our experts and over 30 delegates.

We would like to thank Open City and CIBSE for their efforts to educate and make our capital a more sustainable environment.

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