En Anglais: Power Nigeria 2018 – 25th to 27th September

Clarke Energy will be exhibiting at the 2018 Power Nigeria Conference at Landmark Events Centre, Oniru, Lagos from 25th to 27th September 2018.

Power Nigeria offers an essential platform for exhibitors to showcase the latest brands, products, technologies and innovations to a range of individuals from the Power and Energy industry. The 2017 edition witnessed unprecedented growth in participating companies and trade visitors, comprising of 84 exhibitors from 11 countries and dedicated pavilions from China, India and Turkey. With a 23% increase in exhibitors and 39% in visitors, the show provides you with a strategic opportunity to meet the industry’s most influential decision makers, develop an international customer base and reinforce your position in the market.

Clarke Energy is a prominent world name in installing, engineering and maintaining high efficiency and innovative Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or cogeneration units in a sector that continues to grow worldwide. Clarke Energy supports businesses to realise their goals of securing their energy supply independently of the grid, generating energy efficiently and cost effectively while reducing carbon emissions.

Clarke Energy’s is approaching 20 years’ experience of operating in Nigeria with over 360MW delivered for a wide range of applications and put an emphasis on local and responsive after sales support. Clarke Energy has recently supplied its first hybrid power generation solution, delivered to OK Plast in Lagos, demonstrating engineering capabilities to deliver hybrid power generation solutions for microgrids.

Clarke Energy experts will be available to answer any of your technical questions on Stand 1 – B35

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