En anglais: The National Summit on Combined Heat and Power | Washington D.C. | November 2-3

Clarke Energy USA will be participating at the National Summit for CHP 2022 hosted by the Combined Heat and Power Alliance (CHPA) in Washington D.C. on November 2-3. The CHPA is the leading national voice for the deployment of combined heat and power (CHP) and waste heat to power (WHP). This in-person summit will offer a deep dive into future pathways for CHP deployment, including hydrogen and clean fuels, opportunities for federal and state policy action, and prospects for key market segments like commercial buildings and microgrids.

Clarke Energy Sales and Business Development Manager Vishnu Barran will be speaking on the panel session on the topic of ‘Backup Power and CHP: How Propane and Renewable Propane Can Reduce Neighborhood Emissions’. As needs increase for backup power and microgrids, a move to diesel power can increase criteria pollutants at the local level. See how CHP, propane and renewable propane and other clean fuels solve this issue.

The Session takes place on November 3 at 11.05AM – 12.00PM with the speakers:

  • Dan Giampetroni — Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Grid Iron
  • Vishnu Barran — Sales and Business Development Manager, Clarke Energy
  • Bruce Hedman — Managing Director, Entropy Research LLC
  • Doug Dagan — Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Renewable Energy, Suburban Propane
  • Michael Baker — Vice President of Legislative Affairs, National Propane Gas Association
  • Moderated by Gokul Vishwanathan — Director of Research and Sustainability, Propane Education and Research Council



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