En anglais: ACI’s Energy Storage 2023 | 13 – 14 September | London

Clarke Energy are proud to be sponsoring and exhibiting at ACI’s 11th Energy Storage Conference, taking place at Copthorne Tara Kensington, London, on 13th-14th September 2023. The two-day event will bring together senior representatives from companies involved in the energy storage sector from utility providers, power generators, technology developers, energy storage service providers and policy regulators.

Clarke Energy works with a range of different battery energy storage system assemblers and can deliver them as part of a grid connected BESS plant or a behind the meter hybrid system or microgrid application consisting of a number of different power generation technologies.

We can act as a reliable single point of contact for full EPC project delivery and aftersales support, with a proven track record in energy sector.

We are here to help deliver net-zero, resilient and cost-effective power to businesses. Visit our Clarke Energy experts at the event  at the event to discuss our range of flexible and sustainable energy systems

More information and registration details are available here


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