En Anglais: Dart Energy in Australia to deliver gas fired generation projects in NSW

Building on the market dominance and years of success in Coal Gas utilisation , Clarke Energy has signed yet another ground breaking agreement keeping the Company at the forefront of Coal Seam Gas (CSG) to Power in Australia.

Clarke Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (Clarke Energy) has entered into an exclusive agreement with Dart Energy Limited (Dart Energy – ASX listed DTE) under which Clarke Energy will provide services that delivers economic benefits with respect to the development of small to mid-scale gas fired power generation projects in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW). The initial three year agreement for 30MW Power Stations will also include a focus on delivering integrated sub 10MW highly efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly Co- and Tri-gen gas to power solutions for industrial and commercial building applications.

As the exclusive contractor responsible for the design, supply, installation, commissioning and operations and maintenance services of Dart Energy’s future developments, Clarke Energy will build on its many years of Australian experience and market leadership in delivering power stations fuelled from the various sources of coal gases available inland on the east coast of Australia, including NSW and Queensland (QLD).

Sources of this type of gas in Australia are commonly known as Coal Bed Methane (CBM), Coal Mine Methane (CMM), Coal Seam Gas (CSG) and Coal Seam Methane (CSM).

Projects of similar sizes and nature to the Dart Energy future developments already completed by Clarke Energy in Australia, fuelled by coal gases include:

  • Daandine coal seam gas power station in QLD; a 60MWe installed capacity site,
  • Blackwater coal seam gas power station in QLD; a 30MWe capacity site,
  • Glennies Creek waste coal mine gas power station in NSW; capacity 10MWe,
  • Moranbah North coal mine gas power station in QLD; 45MWe capacity,
  • Oaky Creek waste coal seam gas power station in QLD; 50MWe capacity,
  • Wilga Park coal seam gas power station in NSW; 36MWe installed capacity;
  • Kenya Water Treatment Plant coal seam gas power station currently under construction in QLD; with a design capacity of 20MWe.

Clarke Energy’s Australian Managing Director, Mr Greg Columbus noted that:

“This agreement demonstrates the confidence that Dart Energy has in working closely with Clarke Energy to develop these projects, providing the platform for continuous success and early monetisation of their resource. Clarke’s ability to provide Dart with many years ofprevious successes brings to Dart great value that is otherwise not available in the market place and differentiates Clarke from our competitors.”

Dart Energy holds many CBM licences in NSW, covering over 23,000 km² and with an independently certified prospective gas resource of approximately 19 TCF. Dart Energy’s corporate strategy is on delivering accelerated monetisation options for its gas resources across its international portfolio.

In NSW, this strategy is driving the active evaluation of smaller-scale power generation projects on sites that sit on, or are proximate to, Dart Energy tenements. Predicted increases in coal gas fired generation following the Australian Federal Government commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, further enhance the opportunity for Dart Energy to monetise both the NSW gas demands and electricity supply demands.

Additionally, Dart Energy’s CEO Australia, Mr Robbert de Weijer said:

“This agreement re-enforces Dart’s commitment to supply cleaner and more cost effective energy solutions for NSW, using locally sourced gas. The strong relationship with Clarke Energy, which dates back to the co-development of the first coal seam gas fired power project at Daandine when Dart was part of Arrow Energy, will provide an excellent platform to deliver small to mid scale integrated gas to power solutions to a large number of customers, on an accelerated timeline.”

Dart Energy’s CEO Simon Potter commented: “One of the benefits of this agreement with Clarke Energy is that it can easily be expanded to other countries in which we operate since Clarke Energy has a very similar global footprint to ours. Theses synergies will potentially provide cost and other efficiencies across the Dart portfolio, and we look forward to working closely with Clarke Energy on an expanded basis”.

Both parties to this exclusive agreement will now utilise their combined knowledge, to support and drive Dart Energy’s corporate strategy on delivering accelerated monetisation options for its gas resources across its Australian and international portfolio.

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