En Anglais: AD NI 2012 – National Anaerobic Digestion Trade Show and Conference

AD NI 2012 - 1st National Anaerobic Digestion Trade Show and ConferenceClarke Energy is the main sponsor of the National Anaerobic Digestion Trade Show and Conference – ‘AD NI’ on the 3rd October 2012 in the Hilton Hotel Templepatrick, Belfast.

Since the Renewable Obligations Certificates were launched, there have been nearly 80 planning applications to build mostly on farm anaerobic digestion plants. Of these applications approximately 30 have received full planning permission.

At this stage, Cré wants to take stock of developments since ROCs were launched to review, assess, debate issues and opportunities arising around the development of the anaerobic digestion industry. Recently there have been some real issues arising such as securing feedstocks, gaining finance and grid connection.

The conference website has details on the event and how you can register online.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Michelle O’Neill, MLA, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Harm Grobrügge, German Biogas Association

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