En Anglais: African Energy Day at COP 21

african pavillionClarke Energy’s Lamia Mokaddem, Export assistant at Clarke Energy in France participated at the Africa Energy Day at the COP 21’s African Pavilion, which took place on December 8th 2015 in Paris.

This event allowed people to know and better understand the different economic and energy needs of Africa and also explored the issues related to global warming and its negative effects.

A secure supply of reliable energy services at affordable prices is vital for the economic development of Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa has 13% of the world population, 37% live in urban communities and yet only 32.5% have access to electricity. Africa is a continent rich in energy resources – renewable energy sources and fossil fuels. However, the vast majority of this potential is untapped due to an underdeveloped energy production system and often non-existent network.

african pavillionThe event helped forge a partnership to deliver a strong COP21 outcome that will ensure support to vulnerable communities in Africa. For Africa, climate change is a key challenge that has implications for food security, the availability and accessibility of water, biodiversity, pollution, poor air quality.

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