En Anglais: IHEEM Regional Conference & Exhibition, Belfast

Clarke Energy will be participating in the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM) Conference & Exhibition 2018 on the 19th – 20th June 2018. The IHEEM Northern Ireland Branch and Republic of Ireland Branch are jointly hosting the second biennial joint conference and exhibition in the Titanic Belfast and Titanic Hotel, Belfast celebrating ’75 Years of IHEEM – Heritage and Innovation’.

With an increased pressure on hospitals to spend less on power and lower emissions, combined heat and power system (CHP) installations are an ideal way of cutting costs without cutting care. With the demand for electricity and heat in healthcare being required 365 days a year, hospitals are ideal candidates for energy savings and reduced carbon emissions.

Visit Clarke Energy at the event to answer any of your queries and offer advice on the engine based power plants we supply, install and maintain.


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