En anglais: 22.8MW Full Turnkey Power Plant Delivered to VEST ENERGO, Romania

The 22.8MW full turnkey power plant project at VEST ENERGO was completed in three stages.

The generated electricity produced by the engines is injected in National Energy System (SEN), while the heat is delivered to Bucharest’s district-heating system (RADET).

Clarke Energy delivered a full turnkey for VEST ENERGO, four engines were commissioned for Stage 1 and Stage 2 :

Electrical Output 2 x 3,045 MW / Thermal Power 2 x 3,042 MW

Electrical Output 2 x 4,034 MW / Thermal Power 2 x 3,852 MW

For VEST ENERGO Stage 3 Clarke Energy delivered two engines JMS 624 having:

Electrical Output 2 x 4,401 MW/ Thermal Power 2 x 3,969 MW

The engines fleet was delivered, installed and commissioning by Clarke Energy Romania;

The engines run between 8000 and 8100 hours per year;

Clarke Energy Romania service team provide the preventive and corrective maintenance of CHP engines, through the service contract;

VEST Energo
22.8 MWe
Bucharest, Romania 
GE (now INNIO) Jenbacher
Installation By:
Clarke Energy Romania
2 x JMS 620
2 x JMS 624
2 x JMS 624
Primary Fuel: Natural Gas


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