Oct 11, 2019 | Actualités - UK, Clarke Energy fr, Entretien, Pièces de rechange, Sécurité, Services
Clarke Energy have completed a large investment into the gas engine Overhaul and Repair Centre at our Knowsley headquarters, which has optimised the site’s operation, enhanced the on-site facilities and boosted the productivity of the centre for the service...
Sep 10, 2019 | Actualités - UK, Clarke Energy fr, Moteurs à gaz, Sécurité
Clarke Energy has passed the first Energy Networks Association (ENA) G99 test of two Jenbacher 624 engines, recently installed at AGR’s Caswell Peak Power generating facility in Stevenage. This installation is a peaking station able to generate 9MW of electricity with...
Juil 19, 2017 | Actualités, Actualités - Afrique du Sud, Actualités - UK, Actualités de l'Afrique du Sud, Clarke Energy fr, Récompenses, Sécurité
Clarke Energy South Africa Clarke Energy’s Southern African operations, in partnership with the Clarke Energy Quality, Environment, Health and Safety (QUENSH) team, have spent the last six months working towards obtaining a fully Integrated Management...
Avr 3, 2000 | Archives, Récompenses, Sécurité
Leading gas engine specialist, Clarke Energy Ltd has had the high safety record of its Jenbacher CHP gas engines officially recognised, with a prestigious award from the British Safety Council. Representatives from the Knowsley-based company joined over 1,000 guests...