Fév 19, 2025 | Actualités, Actualités - UK, Clarke Energy fr, Sécurité
We are pleased to announce that Clarke Energy has successfully completed our latest Achilles audit, achieving an outstanding 100% score across both assessment categories. Management System: Sustainability: 100% Environmental: 100% Health & Safety: 100% Quality:...
Mar 1, 2024 | Actualités, Actualités - Nigéria, Actualités - UK, Actualités de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Clarke Energy fr, Nigéria fr, Sécurité
We’re thrilled to announce that our facilities in the UK, Ireland, and South Africa have been recertified for ISO 14001 and 45001, demonstrating our commitment to health, safety and sustainable practices. Additionally, these regions, alongside Nigeria, have been...
Juil 13, 2016 | Actualités, Actualités - Australie
Clarke Energy’s Australian operations has recently become level 3 “Achilles” accredited. Level 3 ‘Achilles’ accredited means we are now a supplier member of Achilles FPS Oil and Gas Asia Pacific for the following products/services: Air/gas engines...