McKee & Mangahewa APG Project, New Zealand

Clarke Energy supplied, installed, commissioned then fully tested the GE Jenbacher containerised unit for flare gas in New Plymouth, New Zealand in early 2008. Clarke Energy is also contracted to undertake the scheduled maintenance of the units.

Generation Capacity

2.126 MWe provided by the GE Jenbacher gas engines, maintained by Clarke Energy’s New Zealand-based service technicians.

Principal Equipment

2 x GE Jenbacher JGC 320 GS-S.L containerised generating sets rated at 1,063 kWe each, 50Hz.

General Description

The GE Jenbacher gas engines are fuelled by flare gas with each generator connected via an integrated 415V circuit breaker to facilitate operation in parallel with the grid. Electricity is exported to the grid via the 415/11,000V unit transformer. The station will provide export power for the local communities while reducing the site’s green house gas emissions. Waste heat energy is recovered from the exhaust gas via exhaust gas heat exchanger to heat water. This hot water can then be used for process heating.

All the equipment is designed and fitted with earthquake restraints as required under the New Zealand Design Codes.

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