In engleza: Essential PPE Donated to Key Workers in UK and France

Clarke Energy’s teams in the UK and France are continuing to support essential services by donating important PPE to front-line workers.

In the UK, we kindly received 1000 face visors manufactured by our Kohler associates Kohler Mira Ltd. The protective equipment has been donated to the Royal Preston Hospital helping to ensure the safety of their staff. Thanks to Chris Blake for his dedication in finding a route through to the NHS for the visors.

In France, our Technical Project Manager Francois Cappe  has worked hard to produce 1200 protective visors using his own personal 3D printers. François has donated the PPE to a wide variety of key workers including healthcare workers, firefighters, retirement homes, universities, hospitals and dentists as well as a donation of 200 to Clarke Energy’s own essential workers. Clarke Energy has helped Francoi’s initiative by providing materials and financial support for the distribution of the visors.

Huge thanks to all our staff involved in making the donations possible and who are continuing to provide support in these difficult times.

Sarrebourg Hospital, France


Royal Preston Hospital, UK


Visors produced by Francois Cappe using his 3D Printer

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