In engleza: Sydney Water Plugs in Additional Cogeneration Solutions from Clarke Energy

Sydney Water has plugged in additional expertise and cogeneration power from Clarke Energy and D4C, contracting a further two INNIO Jenbacher J420, 1.5MW biogas to energy generating sets for their Malabar Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

The additional two gensets take the total to eleven similar biogas to energy cogeneration solutions that Clarke Energy has delivered for Sydney Water, providing an installed capacity of 15MW for use across their various wastewater treatment plants. That’s enough green energy to power 19,000 homes in the greater Sydney area.

Sydney Water continues to run with Clarke Energy’s factory-built, containerised package that’s essentially ‘plug and play’. The successful solution turns biogas (a waste product created naturally when wastewater sludge is broken down by bacteria in anaerobic digesters) into high efficiency electricity and heat using the INNIO Jenbacher gas engines that simultaneously produce power for the treatment plant and heat. In return, the heat generated by the engines through combustion is provided to the digesters, increasing gas production, increasing site efficiency and consequently reducing carbon emissions.

The packages include essential auxiliary equipment such as radiators, exhaust silencer, gas train and local control room. Clarke Energy will also upgrade the Malabar facility with a new gas chiller and a Hydrogen Sulphide scrubber for biogas treatment all of which with be installed by Sydney Water’s delivery partner, D4C.

Clarke Energy enjoys a long and successful history of delivering innovative solutions, trusted equipment and supportive aftersales service within the water treatment industry. Over 50MW of Jenbacher gas engine generating sets for Biogas to Energy projects have now been delivered by Clarke Energy throughout Australia and New Zealand.


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