In engleza: Dhaka International Textile & Garment Machinery Exhibition Postponed to 2022

Event Postponed 

A new surge in Covid-19 cases and reintroduction of travel restrictions, prioritizing health and safety, DTG Organizers have decided to postpone the 17th Dhaka Int’l Textile & Garment Machinery Exhibition (DTG) till 19th of January, 2022. In facing challenges brought by second wave of the COVID-19 infections, severe restrictions on international flights and visa applications have been enforced in most of the countries, including Bangladesh. Moreover, as stated by a health official, all in bound passengers in Bangladesh need to be self-quarantined for 14 days. After closely monitoring the ongoing impact of the pandemic and following the guideline of the government and public health authorities, the 17th Dhaka International Textile & Garment Machinery Exhibition (DTG) will now be held from 20th January -23rd January, 2022 at the International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.



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