Clarke Energy takes the lead with Jenbacher in Decarbonisation in the Oil and Gas Industry 

Clarke Energy was recently awarded a contract to work on Santos’ A$220 million carbon capture and storage project (CCS) in Moomba, South Australia. Expected to be launched in 2024, the Moomba energy transition project will capture and geologically store 1.7 million tonnes of CO2 per year.  

The project is a global leader on reducing the cost of full lifecycle emissions compared to other CCS projects. It will utilise depleted geological oil and gas reservoirs, distinguishing it from other global CCS operations using deep saline aquifers. 

Santos is at the forefront of decarbonisation in the oil and gas industry, with a target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. The early phases of this plan involve electrification of their existing gas production and compression equipment at the Moomba gas field in partnership with Clarke Energy. 

Clarke Energy provide a wide range of power solutions to the oil and gas industry. Working together with Santos, Clarke Energy will replace mechanical drive equipment with efficient INNIO Jenbacher J620 gas engine generating sets. This is a key step towards achieving Santos’ near-term target of a five percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025. Clarke Energy will deliver four Jenbacher J620 gas engines with a total generation capacity of 13.4MW, paving the way for ambitious future projects. 

 The Jenbacher J620 has: 

  • The highest levels of electrical efficiency 
  • The highest levels of reliability 
  • A long development history 
  • Robust design for a variety of gases 
  • High output density at 1,500 rpm 
  • LEANOX® lean burn control ensuring minimal emissions 
  • Pre-chamber combustion ensuring maximum efficiency 
  • Turbocharger bypass to even out extreme operating conditions 
  • External dry exhaust manifold ensuring long cylinder head life 
  • Selective knocking control for each cylinder ensuring optimal protection 

Clarke Energy will engineer and pre-package the engines in transportable, weatherproof acoustic enclosures to facilitate rapid deployment and minimise site installation time. The enclosures use a similar proven design to the 150+ Jenbacher Type 6 engines Clarke Energy has previously engineered and delivered for many other projects throughout Australia. The enclosures and auxiliary equipment packages will be designed by Clarke Energy’s in-house engineering team and manufactured in Australia. 

 This project award follows the successful 2019 augmentation of Santos’ Wilga Park Power Station in Narrabri, NSW, where Clarke Energy installed an additional two Jenbacher J620 engines, bringing the total station capacity to 18.2MW. 

 Greg Columbus, Managing Director at Clarke Energy says:
“Clarke Energy are thrilled to be awarded the Moomba project with Santos. This world leading project is paving the way for Clarke Energy to undertake ambitious future green energy solution projects and shows our commitment to decarbonisation. As a company, this significant project win is evidence of the collaborative approach taken by Clarke Energy staff with important inputs and contributions from our Sales, Engineering, Legal and Executive team. We have a clear understanding of our responsibilities, capabilities and direction as a Power Solutions provider which Clients such of Santos truly recognise . A great team effort!” 

 Keep up to date with further Clarke Energy projects on our news page. 

 Clarke Energy, a KOHLER Company, is a multi-award-winning global business specialising in the engineering, installation and maintenance of distributed power generation solutions. Clarke Energy provides distributed power plant solutions with market leading engineering, installation and maintenance support. 

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