In engleza: Clarke Energy Apprentice Week 2023

Clarke Energy has held our annual Apprentice Week which saw 3 of our apprentices complete their 4-year apprenticeship. William Goodman is our first Field Service & Boiler of Balance Plant apprentice and Jamie Morley and Bartek Krzyzanski successfully completed their Field Service Apprenticeship. All have secured full time positions within our service department , and we look forward to seeing their success around the business.


Apprentice Week is an opportunity for the training team to assess our apprentice’s progression. It is also a week in which apprentices across the country can come together and build their relationship as a team. During apprentice week our apprentices are put through their paces. The training team delivered product specific training with a view for the apprentices to build on their understanding of certain aspects of our plants. They also set projects relevant to their current level of study which can include the design and build of tooling or test equipment that will assist them in the field, utilizing our training engines to carry out specific mechanical tasks that may occur infrequently, or designing control systems to gain an understanding of electrical circuits and how our engines are controlled at various stages.

We also ask the apprentices to deliver presentations to colleagues and senior management which we see as an excellent way of building an apprentice’s confidence and interpersonal skills. Through this process we can gauge how well an apprentice is developing within the scheme and ensure that they are on track to becoming the quality engineers they have the potential to become. For anyone finishing their apprenticeship who is due to start their career as an engineer within the company, this is also an opportunity for us to deliver any specific training courses they will need to become a productive member of their team.

Well done to all of the apprentices and we look forward the awards ceremony!


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