In engleza: Inauguration of Innovative Carbon Negative Biogas Upgrading Plant at Sanamethan, France

Sanamethan’s innovative carbon negative biogas and CO2 recovery plant delivered by Clarke Energy in France has been inaugurated. The project is a green gas production cluster, combining biomethane production and CO2 recovery.

More than 200 visitors came to inaugurate the methanisation unit of Vraignes-en-Vermandois (Hts de France)

Carried by 18 visionary and highly motivated farmers, this ambitious project is a first in Hauts de France:

✔️ Valorisation of all types of inputs
✔️ Purification of biogas into biomethane
✔️ Recovery of CO2 at the end of the process
✔️ Most of the CO2 produced is sold to CARBONORD and transformed into dry ice


The Clarke Energy France team who provided the biogas recovery solution for Tecno Project Industriale (TPI) are very proud of this ambitious project.

A big thank you to everyone for this superbly executed team effort.


+ de 200 personnes se sont déplacées ce 23 mai pour inaugurer l’𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁é 𝗱𝗲 𝗠é𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 de Vraignes-en-Vermandois (Hts de France)

Un pôle de production de gaz vert, combinant la production de biométhane et de récupération du CO2.


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