In engleza: Clarke Energy Exhibiting At The Distributed Energy Show 2024

Clarke Energy are sponsoring and exhibiting at the The Distributed Energy Show on 13th – 14th March at the Telford International Centre.

Join us on day two for two expert panels:

Unlocking the Power of Hydrogen, Theatre one at 11:15 – 12:00 – Chaired by, Head of Sustainable Solutions and Resilience alongside Centrica, Bosch and Energy Systems Catapult 🗣

Combined Heat and Power: Overcoming Misconceptions and Maximising Efficiency in Distributed Energy Generation, Theatre two, 11:15 – 12:00 – delivered by Alan Beech, UK and Ireland Sales Director, with British Sugar, ENTRNCE International and The Association for Decentralised Energy

Visit the team at stand 6044 to discuss:

✔ Low carbon microgrids

Hydrogen and green gas technologies

Engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)

Battery energy storage systems We look forward to meeting you in Telford.



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