In engleza: Clarke Energy Team Join INNIO for Hydrogen Workshop in Jenbach, Austria

Some of the Clarke Energy new technologies team recently joined forces with INNIO Group at Jenbacher’s factory for a cutting-edge workshop on hydrogen and related gases. This visit included an overview of the Jenbacher portfolio and how Clarke Energy can integrate it into turnkey solutions.

Workshop Highlights: We explored the latest advancements in hydrogen engines and e-fuels. Key players engaged in dynamic discussions about Jenbacher H2 Ready engines, focusing on how this innovative engine can run on hydrogen, ammonia, and even methanol, all crucial for achieving net-zero emissions.

Why This Matters: This collaboration is more than just knowledge sharing. It’s about combining Clarke Energy’s solutions expertise with INNIO Group’s engine technology leadership. Together, we’re delivering proven and reliable options to decarbonise the energy sector.

The Future is Green: This technology opens doors for a wide range of applications, from data center backup power to industrial gas utilisation. Clarke Energy’s engineering capabilities can further optimise these solutions by integrating microgrids and combined heat and power systems for maximum efficiency.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to lead the way in sustainable energy solutions!

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