In engleza: Data Centre Dynamics Webinar | How to Prioritise Sustainability and Reliability

Adam Wray-Summerson, Head of Sustainable Solutions & Resilience for Clarke Energy recently took part in a webinar hosted by Data Centre Dynamics on the topic of ‘How to Prioritize Sustainability and Reliability’

Adam joined Ben Rapp from Kohler Energy, Colin Kelly from Gyrogy and Kat Sullivan from Data Centre Dynamics to explore essential best practice to safeguard operations and navigate the challenges of energy efficiency and dependability.

With over 150MW across 7 projects, Clarke Energy is at the forefront of providing sustainable energy solutions for local and hyperscale data centers. From combined cooling and power technology to resilient, hydrogen ready gas-fuelled generation and microgrids with the ability to deliver AC/DC energy solutions.

Learn more about how we are revolutionising data centre energy here or listen to Adam by watch the recording of the webinar below ⤵️


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