Cottonmount Landfill Site, Northern Ireland

The Cottonmount landfill site located north of Belfast, Northern Ireland, is one of a large number of Biffa landfill sites in the UK and Northern Ireland. Here Clarke Energy has installed 3 GE Jenbacher containerised gas engine generation units.  Biffa are one of the UK’s leading waste management businesses, providing collection, treatment, recycling and recovery services.  Clarke Energy installed containerised GE Jenbacher gas engine generators which convert gas emitted from the landfill into electricity that is fed back into the national grid and distributed. Currently Biffa’s fleet of GE Jenbacher gas engines installed and maintained by Clarke Energy is 54 units representing 45.7 MWe renewable generation capacity.

The GE Jenbacher factory built ISO style bunded steel containers can be transported without the requirement for special permits and is designed on a plug and play basis which significantly reduces installation and commissioning time at site. This made for simple installation of the units on a site where space is limited.

The 2 off GE Jenbacher JGC 320 GS-LL’s each produce 1,063 kWe at an electrical efficiency of 40.4%. In 2011 an additional GE Jenbacher JGC 316 GS-LL was installed which has added an extra 834 kWe generating capacity at the site.

Clarke Energy has provided a comprehensive maintenance contract at the site since its installation. As a result, engine availability at the site has been 94.9% since generation first began.

  • Site Electrical Efficiency: 40.4%
  • Landfill Gas Utilisation: 98%
  • Engine Availability (including Scheduled & Unscheduled Maintenance): 94.9%


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