Gas Engine Applications
Gas engines can operate on a range of different gaseous fuels. Different applications of gas engines have different benefits to our customers and the wider world.
Depending upon the configuration, gas and application along with what the prevailing energy mix is for the local electricity grid gas engines can deliver or support:
- Renewable electricity and heat
- Renewable electricity enablement
- Grid balancing
- Emissions avoidance
- Carbon dioxide or methane emission reduction
- Sustainable waste treatment
- Resilience
- Onsite power
- Energy and resource efficiency
Biogas from Waste
Biogas from Agriculture
Sewage Gas
Landfill Gas
Special Gases
Coal Gas
Associated Petroleum Gas
Gas Peaking Stations
Greenhouse Applications
Liquid/Compressed Natural Gas
Natural Gas Cogeneration / CHP
Data Centres
Any Further Questions?
If you have any technical questions that need answering, would like to arrange to speak to a sales advisor or book a feasibility study.