Careers Events

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International Women’s Day

Friday 8th March marked International Women’s Day. To celebrate the date, Clarke Energy took the opportunity to invite female students from local schools to come to head office to promote women in Engineering. As a company, we do a lot with local schools and have noticed that students aren’t always taught about different career paths that they can take in higher education and the opportunities engineering can bring to them. We invited them in to give them an understanding of why we celebrate International Women’s Day and then had some of our female engineers explained their journeys into engineering whether it be through an apprentice or graduate route.

Clarke Energy Apparentice Awards

Every August the Technical Training Department invite all our apprentices to Head Office for apprentice week.  This is an opportunity to test the apprentice’s knowledge and ensure that they are learning the engineering basics and gaining a full technical understanding our product. Over the week, they sit practical assessments and write a presentation on a specific engineering process which is then delivered to their fellow apprentices and management.

Apprentice Week is a great opportunity to get all the apprentices together and see their progression from year to year. Everyone who is involved has a sense in pride of not only how successful the apprenticeship scheme is but how committed and enthusiastic they are.

World Mental Health Day

The 10th October marked World Mental Health Day. This was an opportunity for Clarke Energy to continue our efforts in raising awareness of the importance of mental health. Around the offices, there were posters with signposting information for different resources. There were also facts and myths about mental health, which surprised some employees. Another thing that we did was place ‘happy kits’ in the kitchens which included information on mental health along with treats to brighten up people’s day. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 27th September, Clarke Energy hosted a coffee morning in order to help raise money for Macmillan. Employees from around the business, contributed by either baking or buying cakes to sell for a donation to such a great cause. Throughout the day, there were also numerous activities going which employees could take part in.

National Apprenticeship Week

National Apprenticeship Week took place from the 4th to 8th March 2019. The annual celebration of apprenticeships brings the apprenticeship community together to celebrate the impact of apprenticeships on individuals, employers and the economy. At Clarke Energy, we understand the value of apprenticeships can add to a business and we have certainly seen the benefits they can add, which is why we invest a lot of time and money into our apprenticeship programme.

Recruitment Agency?

Clarke Energy have a Preferred Supplier List which covers all recruitment within the UK and Ireland. We have no current plans to review our supplier list. If we are required to update or review our list, we will reach out to agencies directly. We would kindly ask for recruitment agencies to refrain from contacting Clarke Energy. If unsolicited CV’s are sent to Clarke Energy without agreed terms of business in place, we reserve the right to contact any potential candidates. Thank you for your co-operation.