apr. 1, 2015 | Case Study, India Case Studies, Natural Gas, Natural Gas Case Studies, Tri-generation (CHPC) / quad -generation
Kanodia Technoplast operates in flexible packaging. It’s a leading name in India offering integrated packaging solutions to the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and industrial segments. The company has been manufacturing laminated films, laminated pouches and...
mai 16, 2014 | Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Biogas Case Studies, Case Study, Food Waste, Gas Engines, India Case Studies, Jenbacher Type-3 Gas Engines, Tri-generation (CHPC) / quad -generation
Jain Irrigation Systems Limited is a leader in the micro irrigation industry. Honoured with numerous recognitions worldwide, the organisation has diverse solutions in the segments of: irrigation, plastic pipes, agro products, fruit processing, plant genetics and...
oct. 2, 2013 | Case Study, CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, Cogeneration, Commercial CHP, Industrial, Natural Gas, Natural Gas Case Studies, Tri-generation (CHPC) / quad -generation
The cogeneration of electricity and heat is referred to as combined heat and power (CHP). CHP is highly fuel efficient as over 90% of the energy contained within the fuel can be converted into useful power. A consumer of electricity and heat normally has two main...
nov. 1, 2011 | CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, Cogeneration, Jenbacher Type-3 Gas Engines, Natural Gas, Natural Gas Case Studies, Tri-generation (CHPC) / quad -generation, UK Case Studies, University, University Case Studies
Edinburgh University has three CHP facilities that reduce emissions on the campus. Pollock Halls of Residence Cogeneration Plant Edinburgh University’s first combined heat and power (CHP) project was the 2003 installation of a 526kWe GE Jenbacher reciprocating engine...