aug. 16, 2024 | Case Study, CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, CoEnergy America, Cogeneration, Natural Gas, USA Case Studies
Clarke Energy USA has successfully designed and commissioned a combined heat and power (CHP) system in Clinton, Maine, aimed at maximising energy efficiency and reducing emissions. This CHP solution complements a biogas upgrading facility in the area. Peaks...
apr. 26, 2024 | Case Study, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Natural Gas, Peaking Station Case Sudies, Romania
Se așteaptă ca sectorul energetic al României să se bazeze în viitorul apropiat, mai mult pe hidroenergie, energie eoliană și solară. Aceste surse de energie regenerabilă pot fi imprevizibile din cauza unor factori precum vântul, lumina soarelui sau seceta. Acest...
oct. 14, 2021 | Case Study, CHP / Cogeneration, CHP | Cogeneration, Cogeneration, Commercial CHP, Hydrogen, Industrial, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Natural Gas Case Studies, Renewable Case Studies, UK Case Studies
Sterling Pharma Solutions is a global pharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organisation (CDMO). As part of its sustainability strategy, Sterling partnered with Clarke Energy to act as principal contractors, to design, construct and maintain a bespoke...
sept. 24, 2017 | Case Study, Greece Case Studies, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Sewage Gas, Sewage Gas Case Studies
Psyttalia Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is the main WWTP in the area of Athens, receiving an average waste water flow of approximately 730,000 m3/d. Psyttalia’s WWTP capacity is 5.600.000 p.e., one of the biggest WWTPs in Europe and worldwide. Biogas...
sept. 24, 2017 | Case Study, Greece Case Studies, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Landfill Gas, Landfill Gas Case Studies
BEAL S.A. is the operator of the cogeneration facility fueled by biogas (landfill gas) from Ano Liossia landfill, which began operating in March 2001. In October 2006, the total installed capacity was raised with the addition of GE’s Jenbacher gas engines, making the...