Apr 22, 2020 | Clarke Energy Events, Cogeneration, Events - Algeria, Events - Australia, Events - Bangladesh, Events - Cameroon, Events - China, Events - DRC, Events - Eastern Africa, Events - France, Events - Ghana, Events - India, Events - Ireland, Events - Ivory Coast, Events - Kenya, Events - Morocco, Events - Mozambique, Events - New Zealand, Events - Nigeria, Events - Northern Africa, Events - Papua New Guinea, Events - Rwanda, Events - South Africa, Events - Southern Africa, Events - Tanzania, Events - Tunisia, Events - UK, Events - USA, Events - Western Africa, Gas Engines, Renewable Energy
Dispatchable green and flexible distributed power Join INNIO Jenbacher and Clarke Energy for a free webinar on 10th June at 16:00 GMT discussing the future of renewable fuels for power generation. Europe is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050. It is a global...