Aug 15, 2011 | India, India News, News
From the concept of the project NGAIL specified a reliable economical and continuous power supply. NGAIL selected GE Jenbacher Type-6 generating module to meet their captive heat and power requirements. The waste heat of the engine is used for hot air generation,...
Aug 6, 2011 | France, France News, Gas Engines, Greenhouse Case Studies, Greenhouse CHP, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, News
GE’s two-stage turbocharged J624 GE Jenbacher gas engine is ideal for combined heat and power applications such as needed in greenhouses providing more Than 90 Percent Overall Efficiency. Grower Serres Vinet installs the first GE Jenbacher two-stage turbocharged units...
Jul 25, 2011 | Events - France, France, Past Events
An international two day Conference covering important topics relating to the current and future perspectives for the development of the French biogas sector. The thematic focus of the Conference is biogas generation from anaerobic co-digestion on the farm or at...
Jun 26, 2011 | Anaerobic Digestion, Clarke Energy, Featured, Past Events, UK News
The Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association (ADBA) has been established to represent all businesses involved in this sector, to help remove the barriers to growth currently faced by the industry and to support its members to grow their businesses to make sure this...
Jun 25, 2011 | Biogas, Biogas Case Studies, Food Waste, Gas Engines, News, UK Case Studies
In 2011 Clarke Energy installed two GE’s Jenbacher JGMC 420 GS-BL gas engines and exhaust steam boiler for PDM Group. The generators are configured for cogeneration and are integrated with the ReFood anaerobic digestion facility developed by PDM Group and Saria...