Varying compositions, as well as calorific values and the combustion behaviour of the gases from synthetic gases processes, put greater demands on engine design. Clarke Energy offers specially modified GE Jenbacher gas engines that make efficient use of these gases for combined generation of heat and electricity. Special features of these engines may include flame arrestors for the prevention of backfiring, special gas mixers to improve gas mixing and to be more robust to dirt. In general, the stable composition of wood gas makes it advantageous as an engine fuel.
The high hydrogen content of some syngases however, means the combustion process is very fast, which increases the danger of engine pre-ignition, knocking or engine backfiring. To avoid this risk, GE has created an engine control system that is able to fuel the GE Jenbacher engine with a very lean mixture and, at the same time, react very quickly to variations in the engine load. Some synthetic gases have a high carbon monoxide content, which has a low combustion speed and is very harmful. GE has developed the specific gas engine combustion system that enables burning of the gas efficiently and reliably. Additionally, Clarke Energy & GE offer a safety technology package that allows firm handling of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide.
Syngas can be used to create hot water, steam and electricity. The hot water and exhaust gases from the engines are fed into boilers. The resulting steam can be used within other localised industrial processes. Electricity generated by the GE gas engines can either be used on-site or sold to the public grid. Syngas electrical efficiencies of 37% and over can be achieved with Jenbacher gas engines.
Clarke Energy has comprehensive experience with gas engine technology and has a large reservoir of knowledge with respect to handling tricky gases such as syngas. About 30 GE Jenbacher gas engines now run on either coke gas or LD converter gas. Underscoring GE’s technical expertise, these units recently reached a combined total of more than 1 million operating hours. In addition, by utilising these ‘free’ waste gases compared to using natural gas for power generation, the GE Jenbacher technology-equipped sites have achieved CO2 savings of about 2 million tonnes since commissioning.
If you would like to find out more about how Clarke Energy can help you develop your landfill gas project, please contact your local office for more details.