Clarke Energy’s offices in Bangladesh sees knowledge as an important currency and values its operational experiences as opportunities for learning for both internal staff and external users. On 24th April 2019, Clarke Energy’s Bangladesh operation conducted a one day ‘Knowledge Sharing Workshop’ for existing users of Jenbacher gas engines.

In addition to sharing best practices related to both, system integration and after-sales-service of Jenbacher gas engines, the workshop also covered information on the benefits of conversion, modification and upgrade (CMU) options available for the existing fleet nearing the minor and major overhaul periods.
The event was also used as an opportunity to showcase the workshop facility in Ashulia, which is one of the largest service offices outside the UK, having full on-site Jenbacher gas engine overhaul capability and spare parts warehousing facility built to support the optimal operation of the engines. The workshop was well attended by Jenbacher users wherein they shared their experiences, which helped us in having a better understanding of their requirements and adjust our actions to their needs.
With intent of having a collaborative approach, the after-sales-service team also shared the process improvements being initiated, one of which being the launch of a 24×7 Jenbacher service support number 0173-068134.