World Biogas Association’s 1st International Biogas Conference

Clarke Energy will be attending the World Biogas Association’s 1st International Biogas Conference on 3rd – 4th May taking place in Athens, Greece.

On Friday 3rd May, Clarke Energy Group Marketing and Compliance Director Alex Marshall will be speaking at Session 2 ‘Experiences from low to middle income countries’ to discuss the utilisation of biogas in India and on the African continent. This session will look at how low to middle incomes countries are affronting the various challenges they face around energy independence, the management of biodegradable wastes, waste water treatment, and the financing of installations to handle the transformation to a low carbon economy

The conference is organised into four sessions over two days with speakers from around the world. Whilst the central topic of the meeting is the development of the biogas industry, speakers will also look at wider issues around climate change, sustainable development, waste management, research and innovation- as well as the specifics of operational issues for biogas operators.

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