Jun 8, 2021 | Australia, Australia News, Jenbacher Type-3 Gas Engines, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Maintenance, New Zealand, New Zealand News, Safety, Service
Following a competitive tender process, Clarke Energy has been awarded the major undertaking of overhauling 22 INNIO Jenbacher gas powered gensets owned and operated by EDL across power stations spanning Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Clarke Energy...
Jan 28, 2021 | Awards, Safety, UK News
Clarke Energy are delighted to announce we have successfully completed this years’ Achilles B2 Audit receiving perfect marks in all categories. Following a rigorous 2-day assessment we were awarded 100% for our management system and 100% for the site audit at...
Sep 1, 2020 | France News, Landfill Gas, Safety, Service, Spare Parts
Clarke Energy’s team in France have provided above and beyond unscheduled service support to our customers during the COVID pandemic. After an issue was reported, it was determined that a complete short block replacement was required on the Jenbacher J320 engine...
May 6, 2020 | Clarke Energy, CSR / Stewardship, France, France News, News, Safety, UK News
Clarke Energy’s teams in the UK and France are continuing to support essential services by donating important PPE to front-line workers. In the UK, we kindly received 1000 face visors manufactured by our Kohler associates Kohler Mira Ltd. The protective...
Apr 23, 2020 | Clarke Energy, France, France News, Gas Engines, Jenbacher Type-3 Gas Engines, Maintenance, News, Safety, Service, Spare Parts, UK News
Clarke Energy’s global service teams are not only supporting critical infrastructure at demanding times, but also cooperating across borders to ensure the best service for our customers. Clarke Energy’s state of the art Overhaul and Repair Centre in Knowsley, near...
Apr 20, 2020 | Clarke Energy, Safety, UK News
Clarke Energy are proud to announce we have successfully completed this years’ Achilles B2 Audit receiving outstanding results. Following a rigorous 2-day assessment we were awarded 100% for our management system and 97% for the site audit at Bancroft peaking power...